Plan Your Year of Success
The running theme for my new year’s posts have been making it Your Best Year Yet. Not only has it stuck with me these past few years, it has proven to be a tried and true method that has me truly reflecting and improving upon myself and my business. So, without further ado, let’s get into making this our best year yet!
Was Last Year Your Best Year Yet?
One thing I know for sure, is that a great year is one that has been sweat over. A great year does not just happen on its own, it has to be analyzed for what works, rid of what doesn’t work, and expounded on what has been working.
This time last year, I sent out a newsletter titled ‘Your Best Year Yet.’ In the letter, I asked whether you had written down goals for 2017, if you accomplished your previous year’s goals and whether or not you felt your year was successful.
So, how did you do?
Was it your best year yet?
Did you reflect upon your practice?
Analyzed your successes and failures?
Did you make any changes?
If your answer to these questions is a
resounding no, then what happened?
resounding no, then what happened?
I’ve made it easy for you to start this year. Download the 2018 Practice Review and start answering those tough questions. Take your time to contemplate and answer. It will not be a waste of time. Be thoughtful when you answer.
We all set out to make resolutions during the new year, but what sets us apart, to actually make it our best year yet, is looking last year hard in the face. We must make tough decisions; create clear, concise goals; develop an implementation plan and follow through, regardless of how hard it is.
As a member of The Academy of Dental Management Consultants (ADMC), we have opportunities to attend regional continuing education meetings throughout the year. In our first quarter regional meetings, we take time to peer review our businesses, brainstorm ways of maximizing efficiency and share tips and resources we have found to be beneficial. If you find yourself struggling to keep on track with your business goals, then I highly recommend contacting a consultant that is an active member of the ADMC to gain insight in your own goal planning and implementation.
Are You Planning to Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet?
It won’t happen by accident. It does require planning.
I can give you all the information you need to maximize the systems and procedures for your practice, but it does no good if you do not use them. A successful business does not happen by accident, but takes careful planning and implementation.
So, what goals are you implementing this year?
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