How annoying is it when every time you turn on the computer,
there is an upgrade to windows 10 notification? So annoying, I thought I should blog about
it, just in case I’m not the only one annoyed.
First of all, should you upgrade?

I’m leery of buggy downloads from Microsoft for a reason.
When Microsoft decided to get rid of one of their security
products this past fall, a Windows update completely crashed my Windows 7
system. Yes, completely
irreversible. Completely destroyed. Nothing there, no one home. It took days of rebuilding my system,
installing the massive amounts of necessary programs, and delayed work
It was an unexpected catastrophic event that happens. Just not to me. But it did.
There was no system restore, no Windows Repair, nothing. It crashed the hard drive.
It was an update.
Shortly after I reinstalled everything, the Windows 10 Upgrade
Notifications began.
No chance. As a new
hard drive was installed on my computer, my amazing tech wizard and I spoke
whether to install Windows 10. A flat
no was his answer. I’ve known him for
over 20 years and he builds computers for massive organizations so I trust his
answer. So, back to Windows 7 I
I’ve learned quite a bit since then, especially in designing
a system that would present fewer headaches during the next crash. Yes, I expect there will be a future crash
of some kind. How can I prevent a
disruption from something I don’t control, like necessary security updates?
I already had it but wasn’t using it - a two hard drive
system. The Microsoft Windows operating
system and all the programs are stored on the primary C drive. ALL data is then stored on the secondary
drive. The backup system needs only then
to back up that drive. This system
simplifies the process.
This is difficult to get if you only buy OTC computers. OTC means over-the-counter, as in Best Buy or
Walmart. I’ve only purchased built
computers for my business, with exception to my travel laptop. If you don’t know of a computer builder in
your area, Dell can build it for you, and install two hard drives as well.
I also learned about backups. Yes, I’ve lectured and written about backups
quite extensively. What’s that saying,
“the plumber’s house…?”
I use for my backups, which was wonderful and so
easy to download when it needed the backed up data. It would have been more wonderful for me to
consider occasionally ensuring that all of the folders needing backed up, would
have been chosen to do so.
Yep, not all of my data was recoverable. Immediately, anyway. Remember my tech wizard? Yes, that’s why I call him a wizard. He waved his magic wand, consoled me as I
watched him looking for data, and spent four days, running programs, making
sure he could extract data from the corruption.
It took a while but he was able to retrieve most of it – a worry I
wouldn’t have needed if I had been properly backing up.
Now, Mozy is directed to the secondary hard drive and it is
completely backed up. Nothing is saved
on my desktop or any primary drive folders.
From crash to up and completely going, it took over a month. I won’t forget it anytime soon.
Back to Windows 10.
How do you get rid of that pesky notification? Down in the Windows tray, bottom right of
your monitor window, there is an arrow pointing up.
Click the arrow and choose Customize.
Under the Icons column, GWX (Get Windows 10) is listed. Under the Behaviors column, choose Hide icon and notifications. Click OK
and no more notifications.
Don’t ignore your computers or the next crisis will find you
wondering what could have been more important than making sure all critical and
non-critical information was backed up.
And, if after you ensure it’s ALL been backed up, including photos and
music, you want to upgrade to Windows 10, if it crashes, at least your
information has been backed up properly!
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