Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Make This Your Best Year Ever - It's Your Choice

Did you write down any goals for 2016?

How did you do?
   If you reached your goals, why and how did you do it?
   If you didn’t reach your goals, why not?

Do you feel your 2016 was successful?

What would have made you more successful?

If you were given a performance review by the following groups of people, what would they say your strengths and weaknesses be?

In your work environment, how are you a solution to what keeps someone up at night?

What sets you apart from everyone else that offers the same solution?

What educational opportunities did you participate in to increase your business savvy in 2016?
            What did you learn by participating in those opportunities?

One of the books I read this past year was Take The Stairs:  7 Steps to Achieving True Success by Rory Vaden.  He spoke at my NTX NSA Chapter Meeting and I was intrigued enough by his words that I wanted to read his book.

From the book, I printed a quote to hang on my wall.  “Success is never owned, it is only rented and the rent is due every day.”  The premise of the book is that success is not easy.  There are no escalators or elevators to success.  Success is a daily jump in the trenches kind of battle.  It is a constant choice.  It is pushing past weariness, past the “I don’t feel like it” day.  It requires discipline.  Daily.  Earned.  Daily.

Do you feel stuck?  It’s a new year that is full of potential.  This truly could be your best year yet.  But not if you stay stuck. 
Remember last week’s blog  – Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results?   Choices made in the past will contribute to being stuck.  “Discipline is about focusing on what’s most important, learning to let go of minutiae, and being okay with delaying the less important tasks to an appropriate time.”  

"Success comes down to choosing the hard right over the easy wrong."

"Success is the aggregate sum total of small, seemingly insignificant choices that when compounded over time, create the trajectory of our lives." I've said for years that all the jobs I have had, have made me successful today. What I learned at each one, propelled me to here. As well, I can see where my choices today, will point the direction for the next 5 years.

Maybe you need to read a great book to begin your year.  There is a reason Rory's book made the New York Times Bestseller list.  Rory's words are good, kick in the butt kind of words to spur you on to your best year ever!

Rory Vaden

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