Wednesday, December 28, 2016

You're full. Now what?

Every spatula save one, every measuring spoon save the ¼ tsp, every measuring cup save the ¼ cup has now been put back into its proper place from the dishwasher.  Apparently all recipe measurements called for over ¼ of everything.  Leftover meals from various dining extravaganzas are stuffed into two refrigerators.  Sheets and towels have been washed and put away, with the bed sporting clean sheets for the next overnight guest.  The tall stack of mail is being ignored for one more day.  

It was a gluten free adventure for me this holiday season, cooking and baking and experimenting with new recipes.  Cookies, pies, streusel (aka failed cinnamon rolls), dressing, gravy, etc – some completely devoured.  Some lingering awaiting consumption from the kitchen counter.  Some awaiting consumption from the overstuffed fridges.  I learned some lessons in what works and doesn’t work, which flours have which grainy textures, fell in and out of love with Pinterest many times, and leaned on Google as my backup.

We are all full.  Now what?

Since this weekend begins January 1st, your New Year goals have been somewhat thought through but, typically, with the phones quiet the week between Christmas and New Year, it is a great time for reflection.

What worked and what didn’t work this past year?  Personally?  Exercising 3x-5x weekly worked.  Eating a more healthy diet worked.... well, let’s don’t count the past two weeks.  That didn’t work.  With the loss of several dear friends this past year, I made a point to set aside time to visit with friends more often – mutually beneficial.

Business wise?  Utilizing Insightly Contact Management program with Google email and calendar syncs worked.  Ruby Receptionist has been amazing communicating with my clients this year.  Truly, they treat my clients as their own clients.
All things worked together to produce the Matters Of The Heart book: editing, design and layout, website and advertising.  The books are making their own impact in other’s lives.

4th quarter 2016, I began blogging consistently, not really knowing who is reading.    Last night, longtime girlfriends gathered together from out of town at my house for dinner.  When one of them asked where the basket was to deposit their cell phone, the other three chimed in, agreeing.  “See, we read your blog!”    My blog posts have been decided  Stay tuned.
through the first quarter.

Your first quarter marketing plan should be already nailed down, with everything in place to make it happen.  Make sure the return (business) is greater than the time and money spent.  Being consistent and relevant is key.  Social media is paramount now – invest wisely.  There is a learning curve.  Get an expert in your field to assist you.

Is your accounting in order for the 2016 taxes to be completed?  If you are a professional practice (dental, veterinarian, medical, chiropractic), there will be two one hour webinars,.  Before Handing Your QuickBooks Off To Your CPA, that will explore key areas to ensure your financial information is complete!

I invested time and money honing my skills for my audiences and clients by being an active participant in three professional organizations.  I learned in a much greater perspective this year that my heart’s desire is to make an impact through whatever is needed by my clients.  I offer many services but the making a difference in lives is the one golden thread woven throughout all the offerings.  Continuing to learn how to do just that is paramount.

Reviewing the 2016 goals, a majority of the goals were met.  A few failed miserably for part of the year but are coming up to speed now.   A few failed completely and will be evaluated and reviewed.  Did I cause those failures?  Honestly?  Yes, partly because my focus was diverted elsewhere.  Partly because it was outside what demanded my attention.  It will be handled differently for 2017.   There is a written 2017 plan.

We all know the meaning of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.   
Are you just going to glide into the New Year without reviewing what worked and didn’t work this year?   
Do you expect to maintain the same level of insanity as last year or do you want a different outcome for 2017?

I am truly full from the holiday but also from a full 2016.  What is your 2017 bringing to the table? 

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